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LJ People support the imperative work that the below (and more) charities are doing across the hospitality industry. 


We all know that the industry can be a tough place to be, these guys have got you… as do I. 


Hospitality Action have a whole range of support services to help hospitality people back on their feet again after a setback.


Each year they help thousands of people through challenging times.


They want you to know that they’re here for you when life takes an unexpected turn.


The charity for the employment of the homeless, ex-offenders and vulnerable veterans into careers within the hospitality industry.

The project was inspired by Greg & Gill Mangham’s refusal to accept that all people who are homeless or rough sleepers were in these situations due to some fault of their own or through some form of addiction.

Changing attitudes, transforming lives and creating second chances

“The Clink is doing great things for prisons, people, local communities and the reputation of Britain’s catering industry, and I salute it unreservedly.”

Giles Coren

The Time's Food Critic

  more to come!  

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